Friday, April 29, 2016

Britto Dog

We began this project looking at examples of Pop Artist Romero Britto's art. After that we drew a dog and separated the dog into areas for designing. 

The next class we painted in the dog. 

Outlining and gluing on a frame was next.  Most students hands were sore after this step!  

The very last step in this project was to add bright colorful designs with construction paper crayons. 

These just turned out darling and the kids really remembered facts about Britto. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Monster Collaboration

Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Knudsen and I teamed up with her class to do a unit on monsters and creativity. We worked in the areas of art, writing and math. 

We began with a visit to her room. I brought a book along called Jeremy Draws A Monster. 

After  Mrs. Knudsen read the book, I gave them very simple instructions to create a monster on the paper given. Each paper has a small squiggle on it they used for the beginning of their monster. 

Here are the supplies for their creations. 

I gave a very brief overview of how to do the art lesson. 

The kids got right to work, ideas flowing!

Here are the finished products. They were put on stands when completed. 

Monster house building 

The next time I came to visit, the students worked in groups to create a house for their monsters to live in. Each group was given a box with similar supplies and few instructions were given as to how to make them. Mrs. Knudsen and I were hoping for pure creativity with less instructions. Students were also put in different areas of the room so ideas weren't shared. 

Supplies given. 

Students working together. 

Finished monster homes. Every house different and creative!

Story Writing

Mrs. Knudsen did a monster writing activity with the class. The students' goal was to write a 2 or 3 sentence short story about a monster. 

The sentences needed to start with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.   Spaces also needed to be between words to make the stories easier read and enjoy. 

Finally, the students illustrated their short story. The goal was to create the picture to support the story. 

Monster Math Stations 

Mrs. Knudsen worked on math skills by creating different stations the students would rotate to. Each station related to monsters in some way and incorporated math skills. 

Monster Snack
1 scoop of trail mix, 1 scoop skittles, 1 scoop of licorice bites and 1 scoop of m& m's. After the snack was made the students worked on math activities on their iPads. 

Monster Pull

The students rolled the dice to see who went first and then chose their marker. Next they drew a monster card and moved the number of spaces on the monster card. The first person to end of line was the winner. 

Build a monster

The students had to roll a 1 to begin building their monster. After that, they added a part based upon what number they rolled. The goal was to be the first to build their monster. 

Monster Squeeze 

One student was in charge of the monsters and had to think of a mystery number and keep it to themselves while the rest of the students guessed numbers. If the guess was low a monster was placed on that guess. If the guess was high, a monster was placed on that number.  The goal was to squeeze out all the number guesses so the correct number could be identified. 

Monster Story problems. 

The students read the monster story and wrote the addition problem to match the story and worked on solving the math problem. 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Matryoshka Dolls

Kinders learned about some Russian culture while creating these matryoshkas. We started out looking at examples of matryoshkas and talking about the shapes, lines and designs in them. Students traced the outside shape of the doll and drew in details with sharpies. We then painted a background for the dolls. 

The next week more details were added and the kids worked on coloring them in with crayons. 

Finally, the matryoshkas were cut out and glued onto the blue background. These turned out so darling!